Urban | Master Plan | Architecture | Construction
2022, Izmir TR
total design area : 130.000 m²
Campus function; It is a formation that includes multiple lives, programs and intersection areas. It does not have a single user, programmatic and flow. For this reason, it is woven with very free and unpredictable program potentials, apart from its functional answers that work like a need-oriented mechanical system. In short, it is an indivisible integrity from the lowest scale to the highest scale of its constituent elements. For this reason, while this integrity defines a 'macrocosm', each characteristic part defines a different 'microcosm'.
While defining the macrocosm, the answer to the question of how the campus would incorporate features originating from its place and location outside of the campus programmatic was sought and the status of being specific to the place was pursued. Its main motivation has been to ensure that the concept of campus as a catalyst works in integrity with today's current situation and future needs, taking into account the fact that it is an urban intervention.
Due to its location, the area exhibits an interface character between ecological protection zones at the foot of a metropolis such as Izmir. This interface displays neither an urban character nor a rural character. This region, where the boundaries of the city and the countryside begin to blur and intertwine, has been conceptualized as 'rurban' with the concepts of 'urban' and 'rural'. This intersection was defined as 'local living zones - LGA' by İlhan Tekeli (2016).
Local living zones are a complete intersection set, both as functions and as users. It combines the production focus and compact lifestyle of the countryside with the polycentric, mixed-user profile of the city and the 'rurban' character emerges. This characteristic feature of the area, which comes from the upper scale, has been the main motivation for the open space design of the campus.